Friday, May 23, 2008

Raven - Playing with Prismas

My classmate Sufi got me to sit down and have a first go at using color Prismacolor markers. I decided to use an older inked drawing of my character Raven as the guinea pig - here's the result.


Jakface said...

That's awesome for a "first go!" Love all the colors, she has a lot of them, wow. :D I love her shoulder a lot!

Anonymous said...

Love the warm colors, and the pose!

Just dropping a comment to tell you you've been a major inspiration when I started to draw. I just rediscovered your work and it made me pick up my drawing again!
Hope you keep posting plenty of your stuff.

All my love x

See Hang said...

pretty sweet there. glad to see you're still making stuff.

theorangefrappe said...

Gods, that is gorgeous!
Eugh, I wish even after about a year of markering I was that good.
You are magic, Mel!