Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sons of Anarchy Fan Art

Last piece of 2013, just in time for New Years Eve. A couple of favorites from Sons of Anarchy - Chibs, Gemma, Bobby Elvis, and Tig. These folks are both challenging and a fun to illustrate - may have to do it again some time.

Artwork by Javadoodle. Find more on Facebook, and DeviantART.

Happy New Years, everyone!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sons Sketches

A couple of quick studies are evolving their way into a full-on Sons of Anarchy fan piece. Rather curious to see how this one pans out. Included - Chibs, Gemma, Bobby, Tig, and Tig’s pup because Bully-smiles are fun to sketch.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Adventures in Fishbowl Space

Adventures in Fishbowl Space. With an army of laser bees. Because why not.

Bee and Puppycat is the husband and I’s new favorite thing. If you haven’t checked it out yet you probably should. It’s pretty great.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Totoro BrOTP

Had a sketch of these little guys on my hard drive for a few weeks - Feels great to finally have a chance to so something with them. My Neighbor Totoro is an all-time favorite of mine. Thought I’d do a little tribute.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Doctor Who Charity Art Show

Hey all. Some rather cool news for you! I was recently invited by one of the wonderful folks behind Tiki Machine to take part in a Doctor Who themed charity art show that will be taking place on December 13th and 14th in Anaheim, CA. Above is my contribution to the show - the Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble, and a kerfuffle of Adipose. 

All proceeds of the art sales will be going to Friends and Helpers, providing assistance to women, children and teens who find themselves involved in domestic violence. So if you happen to be the SoCal area mid-December, feel free to drop by the show, see some Whovian love at work, and buy some art to help donate to a fantastic cause. All info on the event can be found on the flyer below.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Youmacon 2013

Had an absolute blast at Youmacon 2013 with my buds from Alpha Omega Animation and Ninja Dust Publishing. Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by our booth!


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dwarrow Doodles

Had a few minutes to do some scanning last night, so I jumped on it. Here's sketchbook doodles from the weekend before last, as well as some process on Balin. My "Hobbit" kick continues with Bofur, Bombur, and a random little dwarven lass for the sheer sake of cute. 


Wednesday, October 16, 2013


The Hobbit's Balin makes me happy, so I thought I’d return the favor.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Lotus Emblem Promo 001

Completed my promo poster for my husband’s online comic, Lotus Emblem. For more on LE, check out the comic on Facebook and Tumblr.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August Sketch Dump

Took advantage of an unexpectedly early morning this morning to scan some sketchbook doodles - including Totoro and Grumpy Cat.


Thursday, August 15, 2013


Birthday present for my buddy Brian. Thanks for being awesome, fella!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Lotus Emblem Promo Progress

I'm currently working on the first of a series of promo pieces for my husband Art of the Niles' fantasy adventure comic, Lotus Emblem, to be made available as prints at upcoming conventions. Here's the line work and flat color stages of the image. Final colors coming soon.

Thanks for viewing!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

New Studio


First and foremost, my apologies for the slow-down on posting in recent weeks. In the span of two and a half months, I got married, searched for, bought, and moved into a new house, on top of working full-time throughout. Things are finally settling back into a sane pace again, however, so here! Have a post!

After a couple of weeks of finagling, I finally have my husband and I’s new studio space set up in full. Photos are as follows:
  1. My main work corner - Desk, printer/scanner, light table, TARDIS and all.
  2. My Desk.
  3. My Hubby’s desk.
  4. The Wall-O-Nerd.
  5. A close up of the Wall-O-Nerd. Play “Spot The Fandom!"
  6. Yes, our desks are within smooching distance. VERY NECESSARY.
  7. Art Supplies, as guarded by The Judge.
  8. And a close-up of the light table and its surrounding nerdfoolery.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Nerd Alert: Mario Wedding Cake!

My wonderful other half and nerdy partner in crime, Niles and I recently got married, and, being both artists and gamers, we couldn’t resist coming up with a fun design for our wedding cake. Above is both the design he and I created, and the wonderful final product, created by Ann Arbor Michigan’s Cake Nouveau. We couldn’t have been happier with the results!

The Designers’ Pages: Niles and Mel B!
And Cake Nouveau can be found here!

Mel B!

Javadoodle on Facebook

Hope to see you there!

Mel B!

"For Cardassia!" Painting Process on Ziyal

I have a spankin’ new Facebook gallery page for Javadoodle! to celebrate, here’s a compilation of the live stream session I did earlier this year om “For Cardassia!” while working towards teaching myself how to better paint in Photoshop, sped up to a much more viewable pace and length. Music has been provided under creative commons by the talented Mr. Kevin Macleod. You can find his work at http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kevin_MacLeod/ I will try to do more of these paint sessions in the future, as time permits. Thanks for viewing!

Monday, April 22, 2013


Another commission completed for the lovely Ren52. Eight down, one to go! This time, it's her original character, Reich.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cardassians and Doodles and Pizza oh my


In the sparse instances where time permits, I've been pushing to try and improve my digital coloring  (Slowly but surely, it's coming along nicely.) I also re-watched Star Trek:Deep Space Nine recently, and in combining these two efforts, fan-art was bound to happen. Above are a series of portraits of DS9 Cardassian characters - one of my favorite species from Trek in general. Clockwise from the top left: Dukat, Damar, Garak, and Ziyal. These proved a great practice exercise - I've included the rough and tie-down sketches and final line work here as well. 

Above is a recent page from my sketchbook - all my own character design musings, apart from the pair in the top left corner. Just one of those silly things I had to get out of my system. For reasons.

And then you have... Pizza. So fairly recently, the DS9 fandom on Tumblr exploded with a delightful bought of silliness called "Deep Dish Nine." DD9 in an alternate-universe scenario wherein the DS9 characters (All human) run competing pizza delivery joints, Deep Dish Nine vs. Dominion Pizza. The plotbunnies and speculation that sprouted from the idea were so genuinely goofy and funny and often downright delightful (Right up my ally, given I'm incapable of taking any fandom too seriously) I couldn't resist divvying up a couple of sketch contributions when one of my afternoons produced a couple of hours down-time. Pictured in each doodle are: (Top) Pizza!AU Ziyal, Dukat, Kira, and both Dax's (Middle) Garak and Weyoun and (Bottom) Damar and Dukat.

Nerdlady out,

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Piquid Walk-Through

 One of my original characters, Piquid, from sketch to final cell-style color.

Reich for Ren52 Progress

On to my next commission for Renee. Here's some progress on artwork of her character, Reich.

Thanks for viewing,

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Charity and the Boys Final Poster

After many moons pecking away at all of these amidst studio work, The full color poster for ~ren52 is complete. Thanks for everything, Ren! Characters are the sole property of Renee Atkinson.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Space-Lizard Doodles

I've been on a terrifically huge Star Trek: Deep Space Nine kick lately. One of my all-time favorite species designs from the show has always been the Cardassians, so unsurprisingly, they've been cropping up in my sketchbook here and there. Above is some first attempts as drawing Gul Dukat (Who is every bit as challenging to draw as on might suspect) and a random OC who's been floating about in my brain as of late. (One of a solid twenty OC's at this point, because I seem incapable of being a fan of anything without countless character ideas spawning from it and renting out space in my brain. Pesky character-bunnies.)


Art Blog on Tumblr

I completely forgot to mention it here, but I now have an art blog on Tumblr! Due to sheer ease of use/ability to update/ease for other folks to re-blog the images if they so choose, my Art Tumblr has been getting a fair bit of mileage over the past few months. So if you're on Tumblr, please feel free to check out Javadoodle! I'd love to see you there.
