Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Stu "Rotgut" Bogey Walk

I know, I've been pretty much non-existent the past few weeks. I do apologize - I got sucked into the life-eating vortex that is finals at CCS. I'm nearly past the brunt of it though, thank goodness, and will be updating in mass soon enough. (And throughout the summer, at that) This here is actually my final assignment for Traditional Tech 1 for the year.... and boy do I like it a great deal better then the walk cycle we were assigned at the beginning of the semester! It feels so good to know that I really have improved looking from then to now. Huzzah for hard work (and an awesome professor's guidance) paying off.

My concept-in-training Caravan's Stu "Rotgut" Bogey, in all of his jaunty, slightly inebriated glory ;)

1 comment:

Josiah said...

y'know ... everytime i go for a walk, this guy pops in my head. how much walking i do each day? alot!