Sunday, November 18, 2012

Critter Doodles

I hadn't been doodling outside of work for the sheer sake of it nearly enough over recent months - and given that practice is the best path to improvement, that just won't do. So, I've been cracking into a new sketchbook over the past few weeks whenever I am able. and drawing... whatever, really. I'll make an effort to start posting batches of sketches here.

That said, here's a couple of favorite recent doodles of the critter variety - a wary pup, a bemused bear, and a spider-shy giraffe. (I know that feel, Mister Giraffe. I know it well.)


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sugar Rush Racer

Something quick and silly on the side. I keep seeing these great "Sugar Rush" themed fan characters cropping up all over the place. And who can blame folks, with as adorable as the designs happen to be from Wreck it Ralph? So, I'm jumping that bandwagon with bells on. Can't resist! This little lady's based on a favorite of mine: Sour apple candies.


Saturday, November 10, 2012


Cam, baby! Headshot 3 of 7 completed for Renee, this time of her character Cameron.
